Our MP is silent on issues and not visible, can’t allow Goa to be conquered: Ramakant Khalap

TNN | Apr 18, 2024, 08.34 PM IST
Our MP is silent on issues and not visible, can’t allow Goa to be conquered: Ramakant Khalap
Fifty years since he first won an election and 25 years after he last contested LS poll, 77-year-old Ramakant Khalap is back in the fray for the North Goa Lok Sabha seat on a Congress ticket. “I feel really young,” Khalap tells Team TOI at this newspaper’s office as he walks us through his political journey. Edited excerpts from Townhall With TOI

Town hall with TOI logo
You are coming back into active politics after over two decades. What made you decide to enter the fray?
This was an offer, which I could not resist. It came from the topmost leadership and there was a sort of groundswell. So, I plunged into it. I feel younger than earlier. Politics is the sum total of everything. Age counts, wisdom counts, experience counts, youth counts, and good health counts and I think I have everything in good measure. The chance today, I believe, is the best chance that I could get.
What are your thoughts about the main contender and your friend, Shripad Naik?
He has given up on all local issues. Our MP is not visible. We are good friends, but it doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t speak about his non-visibility. When he was asked why he didn’t open his mouth when the Mhadei was being diverted, he didn’t answer but he said that if the DPR is not withdrawn, he would resign. It was a very bold statement. We are waiting. Unfortunately, we don’t hear him anymore.
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North Goa MP Shripad Naik has given up, he isn’t visible: Khalap
North Goa MP Shripad Naik has given up, he isn’t visible: Khalap

Could Goa have done something differently to prevent the Mhadei water being diverted?
When I was the WRD minister, I had heard that some survey was going on at the Mhadei basin, on the slopes of the Western Ghats, where the water flows down to Goa. I was cautioned. I went to Bangalore and spoke to the minister for water resources and irrigation. I told him, ‘don’t divert my water. Use it within the river valley’. We had made a plan to interlink the Mandovi and the Zuari but it was ignored when govt changed. You require a govt, ministers and officers who will grow interested in conserving this water. Even today, I am promising the electorate — send me to Delhi and I’ll be your voice.
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What are the issues that you are fighting for?

This was a govt that was proudly saying that they have stopped mining. I am all for environment-friendly mining that will give revenue to Goa. Of the Rs 35,000 crore scam, they have not even recovered 35 paise. So, with what face are these people going and saying ‘elect us’ to the people? Then there is power. Can we not draw power from Maharashtra and Karnataka from the south and the north? Instead of chopping the trees? When we speak about these things, they ridicule the opposition.
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Why do you feel people continue to elect BJP?
A person gets elected because of emotive issues. Ram Mandir has been the greatest contributor to the loss of Congress and the victory of BJP. Then the use of social media and the huge guarantees that are given. The basic fabric of the country is in danger today. Why is there fear in the hearts of the minorities, in the hearts of the lower castes, socially backward classes and scheduled tribes? To bring back the passion of unity, there has to be a change.
Basic fabric of country is in danger: Ramakant Khalap
Basic fabric of country is in danger: Ramakant Khalap
You first contested election in 1974 as an MLA and it’s been 50 years since then. The last LS election that you fought was 25 years ago. How much has politics changed over the years?
Politics has changed. We have found an ingress of people and those who have come, have come with set ideologies. Those who have come here do not have the Goan mindset. That disparity is there. Then we have seen the rise of political parties such as BJP. They have cornered the political spectrum. As a result of this, frustration has come in among the youth. Why is there an outflux of youth from Goa? Our lands are being sold outright.
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What is the solution to prevent Goa’s lands being sold?
If the generation of people who have gone abroad or their children want to come back, will they get a piece of land to rehabilitate themselves in Goa? No. I am proposing that a land bank be created and I’m examining the constitutional validity of my own proposal about creating a legislation, which will provide the right of first purchase to Goa govt. Govt can create a corporation and fund to buy the lands at the price of the Land Acquisition Act. Do we want Goa to be conquered, a new wave of Conquistadors who conquered the lands?
Need to create a land bank to save Goa’s land: Khalap
Need to create a land bank to save Goa’s land: Khalap

You are blaming BJP for mining, the Mhadei river diversion, land conversion but do you regret being part of the plan to help BJP grow in Goa?
Yes. You are not wrong. I was responsible. In 1990, Sharad Pawar had warned Congress not to poach MLAs from MGP. He had foresight. He said that if that happened, the vacancy would be filled up by BJP in the course of time. He was of the opinion that MGP and Congress must hold hands. MGP disintegrated over time and BJP formed govt.

Today Congress has just one MLA in the north and very few workers. So how difficult is it for you to campaign?

I had that same fear in my mind but today nobody feels the absence of an MLA in the constituency. Those who have gone, are gone. New leadership is emerging. Many people are happy that the old grass has gone. New grass grows, isn’t it?

What are the three things that will go in your favour?

My experience, my contribution to the Goan economy and my service to the nation. I have maintained my relationship with people. My hands are clean. My conscience is clean, and I believe in friendship.

One point that BJP raises is that you have to answer for the bankruptcy of the Mapusa Urban Cooperative Bank.

Mapusa Urban is a tale of tragedies. We have cut down a fruit-bearing tree. I have given an open challenge to have a debate on this. Explain why nationalised banks had non-performing assets (NPAs)? Govt poured in almost Rs 2 lakh crore in these nationalised banks. NPAs affected every financial organisation. Cooperative banks were not helped in any way. Mapusa Urban was a multistate cooperative bank but there was no tribunal for recovery for 13 years and during these 13 years the NPAs increased to more than Rs 100 crore. The Manohar Parrikar govt took over the bank for five years but they could not recover any dues during that time, the NPAs increased from Rs 107 crore to about Rs 149 crore. They were trying to find a way where Ramakant Khalap could be hanged.