This story is from March 13, 2020

Celebs encourage people to up their safety against coronavirus

Celebs encourage people to up their safety against coronavirus
Celebs encourage people to up their safety against coronavirus
As coronavirus outbreak has affected people globally, celebrities from Bihar have become proactive to aware people about its preventive measures. Actress Pakhi Hegde took to social sites to spread a word about this pandemic disease. She said, “This is the time of global crisis and we must stand together to fight against it. It is said that prevention is better than cure.Therefore, we must follow the basic protective measures.”
Popular actor-politician Ravi Kishan said, “If anyone has fever, cough, cold and difficulty in breathing must go for a health check-up immediately. People should use masks of good quality when they are public places. This will prevent the spread of infections.”
While some of them have requested people to follow the World Health Organisation’s guidelines strictly, others are encouraging people to do the traditional Namaste to greet each other. Rajesh Kumar, who is best known for his role as Rosesh Sarabhai in the hit sitcom Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, said, “This is the time when everyone must think about their safety first. People should avoid public gatherings as far as possible and they must maintain at least 3 feet distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. The Indian tradition of Namaste must be followed while meeting friends or relatives instead of shaking hands.”
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