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Theyyam - Ordinary people who become gods

Disney TomTimes Network

May 6, 2024, 17:56 IST
Experience the divine through Theyyam - from community, spirituality, to sacrifice. Three tales intertwine tradition, faith, and legacy.

11:33God Trumps Communism – Babu Anjoottan

God Trumps Communism – Babu Anjoottan
Ep 1: God Trumps Communism – Babu AnjoottanBabu Anjoottan is a Theyyam artist who hails from a backward community of Velans. He is a manager at a fuel pump and is also a member of the local unit of the Communist Party (CPM). However, when he becomes the Theyyam, through his performance which sometimes lasts up to 14 hours, he interacts with the people through Vamozhi, a distinct style of speaking, listens to their concerns and offers blessings. He says that Theyyam has deeply influenced his life and that it is a divine artform. According to him, Theyyam’s spirituality consoles humans at times of trouble and it was something that people rely on for their faith. Anjoottan, who is still an activist of the CPM left active political work after finding social work and Theyyam conflicting. His son too has now followed his footsteps and carries on the legacy.

10:29The Lone Goddess - Ambujakshi Amma

The Lone Goddess - Ambujakshi Amma
Ep 2: The Lone Goddess - Ambujakshi AmmaAmbujakshi Amma works as a sweeper at a local post office and takes up odd jobs to make ends meet. However, she eagerly awaits that time of the year when she gets to transform herself into a Goddess. Ambujakshi performs Devakkoothu. Out of the numerous Theyyam variants, Devakkoothu remains the only temple ritual related to Theyyam performed by a woman. It takes place in only one temple, the Thekkumbad Kulom temple near Cherukunnu in Kannur. The legend of this temple is that the Goddess wandered into the Thazhekad flower garden and lost her way. Sage Narada rescued her and the spot where he found her is the site of the Bhagavathy temple. Ambujakshi Amma’ son plays Narada in the ritual. Before her, it was her aunt who used to perform Devakooth. She started performing Devakooth after her aunt became ill.

09:06Fired By Faith - Ravi Panikkar

Fired By Faith - Ravi Panikkar
Ep 3: Fired By Faith - Ravi PanikkarRavi Panikkar started performing Theyyam at the age of 25 and has performed Theechamundi, one of the most daring Theyyam performances, numerous times. In this variant, the Theyyam runs and jumps into a huge pile of embers, called Meleri, multiple times. During his performance, Panikkar used to often jump more than 100 times into the smouldering embers in a span of a few hours. However, he is now facing repercussions of his intense performances as his life as a Theyyam performer came to an abrupt halt, after he developed Cochlear Imbalance. He now finds solace in the fact that two of his sons are continuing the legacy and performing Theyyam. He goes with them and helps them. He says that he was emotionally hurt since he couldn’t perform anymore.

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