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  • Donald Trump heads to White House amid low approval ratings but high expectations
This story is from January 17, 2017

Donald Trump heads to White House amid low approval ratings but high expectations

Donald Trump is entering the White House as the least popular President among the last seven spanning four decades, according to polls that the President-elect has promptly trashed.
Donald Trump heads to White House amid low approval ratings but high expectations
(AP photo)
Key Highlights
  • According to a poll, Trump will be the least popular President among the last seven spanning four decades
  • While Obama took the oath in 2009 with an 84% approval rating, Trump's rating is mere 40%
WASHINGTON: Donald Trump is entering the White House as the least popular President among the last seven spanning four decades, according to polls that the President-elect has promptly trashed.
''The same people who did the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. They are rigged just like before,'' Trump tweeted hours after two separate polls showed him with by far the lowest popularity for an incoming president in polling since 1977, even as expectations remained high that he will do a good job on the economy and terrorism.
A poll by CNN/ORC showed Trump with just 40 per cent approval rating, the lowest of any recent president and a staggering 44 points below that of the departing President Barack Obama, as the US capital readied for swearing in the country's 45th President on Friday.
Obama took the oath in 2009 with an 84% approval rating, and 67% approved of Clinton's transition as of late December 1992. Even George Bush, who won a controversial and hotly-contested election against Al Gore in 200, had a 61% approval just before he took office in January 2001.
CNN, which has been in the cross-hairs of Trump's ire and has been dubbed '' Fake News '' by him and as '' Clinton News Network '' by his supporters, said ''Trump's wobbly handling of the presidential transition has left most Americans with growing doubts that the President-elect will be able to handle the job.''
In the weeks since his election, Trump has shown that his fragile temperament is not going to get better with the presidency. He has repeatedly trashed the media and the US intelligence community, two of Washington's traditional pillars that his constituency of outsiders want tamed.

But the old entrenched establishment still has plenty of support from traditionalists. About 53% say Trump's statements and actions since Election Day have made them less confident in his ability to handle the presidency, and the public is split evenly on whether Trump will be a good or poor president (48% on each side), the CNN poll showed.
An ABC/Washington Post poll echoed many of the CNN/ORC findings, showing 61 percent of Americans lack confidence in Trump to make the right decisions for the country's future. Fifty-two percent also see Trump as unqualified for office.
But in specific areas, such as improving the economy, a majority of Americans still have Trump's back. Six in 10 expect him to do an excellent or good job on the economy and on jobs alike, and 56 per cent expect him to do well in handling terrorism.
Trump is riding on that expectation. ''With all of the jobs I am bringing back into the US (even before taking office), with all of the new auto plants coming back into our country and with the massive cost reductions I have negotiated on military purchases and more, I believe the people are seeing 'big stuff.''' he maintained, seemingly in a reaction to the polls.
Automakers such as GM and retailers like Wal-Mart are already announcing new plans and initiatives to create jobs, giving a distinct bump to the economy that pundits who forecast a bleak future in a Trump dispensation are hard put to explain.
All this comes amid some of the most extraordinary developments in contemporary history. While the U.S President-elect, a self-avowed capitalist and a billionaire, wants to impose tariffs and build walls (literally and metaphorically), the leader of the world's largest communist country is in Davos defending globalization.
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