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  • Gen Z Indian-American candidate Ashwin Ramaswami raises over $280,000 for legislature bid in Georgia

Gen Z Indian-American candidate Ashwin Ramaswami raises over $280,000 for legislature bid in Georgia

Gen Z Indian-American candidate Ashwin Ramaswami raises over $280,000 for legislature bid in Georgia
NEW DELHI: Ashwin Ramaswami, who is the first Gen Z Indian-American candidate running for a US State legislature, has raised more than 280,000 US dollars, a significant amount at the state level.
Ashwin Ramaswami, 24 has raised 22 times more funds than his opponent Shawn Still during the recent filing period from February 1 to April 30. Ramaswami managed to raise more than 146,000 US dollars, whereas his opponent only raised 6,400.Both candidates are competing for a seat in the State Senate within District 48 of Georgia.
Ramaswami has collected a total of more than 280,000 US dollars and currently holds 208,000 US dollars in cash, according to reports cited by media sources.
"Our latest reports are further evidence that our community values honesty and integrity in our leadership above all," said Ramaswami, a second-generation Indian-American who has built a career in software engineering, election security, and technology law and policy research.
"We've built a grassroots campaign with unprecedented momentum to ensure we elect a leader who will serve our communities first and foremost: funding our schools, supporting our small businesses, preparing us for the technology of the future, and protecting the right to vote," he said.
"Our community will never forget Shawn Still's utter lack of leadership and integrity when he tried to overturn Georgians' votes in 2020," said Ramaswami.

"Experience matters significantly, and it's clear that Shawn Still has the wrong kind of experience," he said.
The campaign of the Indian-American has also received endorsement from Congresswoman Lucy McBath of Georgia's seventh Congressional district.

"I am endorsing Ashwin Ramaswami's historic bid for District 48 because he has the vision and experience to fight for Georgians in the state legislature. This seat is the most competitive in the Georgia Senate, making it the top pickup opportunity for Georgia Democrats," said Congresswoman McBath.
"Ashwin's opponent, Senator Shawn Still, is currently facing a seven-count indictment for his role as secretary of the false elector meeting of conspiracy theorists to overturn the results of the 2020 election for Donald Trump. The people of SD 48 want a leader, not a conspiracy theorist facing indictment. Ashwin will always work to protect our democracy," she said.
Ramaswami has collaborated with nonprofit organizations, startups, and small businesses to utilise technology for the benefit of the public and generate employment. He was employed at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) focusing on cybersecurity and election security, collaborating with state and local election offices to ensure the security of the 2020 and 2022 elections. While, his parents worked in the information technology sector after moving to the United States.
( with input from agency)
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